The primary purpose of your home’s septic system is to move wastewater away from your home to maintain a safe and sanitary environment. We provide comprehensive septic services for residents in Butler & Sedwick County and the surrounding areas. When you are experiencing a problem and want to speak with an experienced plumber, get in touch with our team today.
We Recommend Maintaining Your Septic System By:
Avoiding flushing chemicals and waste down the toilet
Keeping the area above the tank free from weight
Scheduling regularly pumps for the system
Testing the system with a professional
Using water sparingly within the home
There is no reason to mess around with your septic system, and you shouldn’t wait for it to fail before you call our septic plumbers for help. Our solutions have helped keep countless homeowners in the area safe from sewage waste and improved the value of their properties. Whether you need a new sewer line or are seeking cleaning for an existing line, Sunflower Services can help.
Your home requires a septic system to remove waste. Regular maintenance and cleaning are important to prevent any serious problems that may occur down the line. At Sunflower Services, our plumbers have experience repairing, installing, and maintaining waste disposal systems in Wichita, Sedgwick County, and Butler County.
Types of Waste Disposal Systems
Lateral fields are made up of a system of underground pipes and cleans waste with soil filtration. This type of waste disposal system is less expensive to construct.
Sewage lagoons are pits that uses the sun and wind to process the waste. They need more space and are sensitive to local water conditions.
While both of these waste disposal systems utilize septic tanks, there are some key differences between them.Both systems utilize a septic tank to capture waste and the septic tanks contain bacteria that break down the solid waste. These tanks need to be periodically cleaned to remove any waste that accumulates.